
A convenient wordset for drawing things on the screen.

ALLEGRO_BITMAP's are referred to as "bmp" for short.

The Pen determines the "starting position" of every drawing operation. In the case of bitmaps, unless otherwise specified, the position represents the top-left corner.

Dest XY and Current Color

destxy ( -- x y ) Destination x,y for drawing (for creating your own drawing words.) fore ( -- color ) Current drawing color. rgb ( r g b -- ) Set drawing color. alpha ( a -- ) Set drawing color alpha. rgba ( r g b a -- )

Bitmap utilities

onto> ( bitmap -- <code> ) Set the drawing surface. movebmp ( src srcx srcy w h -- ) Blit part of a bitmap with no alpha-blending. *bmp ( w h -- bmp ) Create a bitmap. clearbmp ( r g b a bmp -- ) Clear a bitmap. backbuf ( -- bmp )

Named colors

createcolor ( r# g# b# -- <name> ) ( -- ) Define a named color, that when executed changes the current drawing color. R, G, and B are given in integers from 0-255.

Clearing the screen

backdrop ( -- ) Clear the drawing surface with the current color


blitf( bmp flip ) Draw a bitmap. Flip is a bitmask: $1 = horizontal, $2 = vertical tblitf ( bmp flip ) Like blitf but it tints the bitmap with the current color. sblitf ( bmp destw desth flip ) Scale a bitmap. The destination width and height are in pixels. csrblitf ( bmp scalex scaley ang flip ) Scale and rotate a bitmap. The pivot point will be the center of the bitmap. blit ( bmp ) Same as 0 blitf tblit ( bmp ) Same as 0 tblitf blitrgnf ( bmp x y w h flip ) Blit a region of a bitmap.


variable fnt Holds the current font asset. (Not the ALLEGRO_FONT.) variable lmargin Determines the left margin in pixels. chrw ( font -- w ) chrh( font -- h ) strw ( adr c -- w ) strwh ( adr c -- w h ) fontw ( -- w ) Gets the width of the current font. fonth ( -- h ) Gets the height of the current font. print ( adr c -- ) Draw a string of text with the current font printr( adr c -- ) Same as print but right justified. printc ( adr c -- ) Same as print but centered. print+ ( adr c -- ) Same as print but the pen will be advanced to just after the drawn text. newline ( -- ) Moves the pen to the next "row" (respecting lmargin)


line ( destx desty -- ) Draws a line to the given endpoint. +line ( ofsx ofsy -- ) Draws a line where the endpoint is relative to the pen. line+ ( ofsx ofsy -- ) Same as +line but the pen is moved to the endpoint. pixel ( -- ) Draws a single pixel. rect ( w h ) Draws a rectangle. rectf ( w h ) Draws a filled rectangle. rrect ( w h radiusx radiusy ) Draws a rounded rectangle. rrectf ( w h radiusx radiusy ) Draws a rounded filled rectangle. oval ( radiusx radiusy ) Draws an oval (ellipse). ovalf ( radiusx radiusy ) Draws a filled oval (ellipse). circ ( radius ) Draws a circle. circf ( radius ) Draws a filled circle.


2transform ( x y transform -- x y ) Transform coordinates 2screen ( x y -- x y ) Convert coordinates into screen space. clip> ( x y w h -- <code> ) Set the clipping rectangle. It will be restored to the previous one after the code body executes.

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